Friday, 30 January 2009

How Can I Describe It? It's Like Sticking Your Foot Into A George Foreman Grill After Watching Fantasia Backwards On Loop For 9 Hours With No Sound.

Behold - for I am updating. I'm sad to report that last weekend my computer decided to take it's own life, I came back from the place I had been beforehand and there were two empty cartridges on the floor, a smoking shotgun, and as I had so gruesomely predicted, my computer had shot itself in the face. Alas. I'm waiting for a technician to come and resuscitate it like. 

Anyway, that said, I've come up with a new idea for my book, and it's amazing. I'm going to create a book of 100 Legoman suicides. I had to face facts, a book based purely on the colour spectrum of Lego pieces wasn't going to tantalize anyone's cerebrum, but I know that mankind has a built-in morbid curiosity with Death, and everyone loves a bit of Lego. So everyone's a winner, even the goths. 

The idea, as you may well have guessed, was inspired by the books of Bunny Suicides, which I don't particularly like, I thought 'Well, I'm a Graphic Designer, I'm allowed to steal ideas from people, it's the law.' - the main difference between my take on things and the original Bunny Suicides book is that the former is illustrated whereas I'm going to actually photograph Lego men killing themselves in a variety of different ways. Still haven't worked out 100 different ways to despatch them, but I'm sure it'll come to me. Emma showed me a book that was in the possession of Fred -  Graphics Overlord, which was basically a load of little model people in a variety of different setups, ie: a miniature man stepping in a life-sized piece of gum, a guy using a shotgun to blow holes into a Bee, etc. And this, my friends, was why I decided to avoid the Illustration route and go with photography.

Anyway, I've been having a little play around with the ol' camera and whatnot, and here's a selection of some of the Lego Suicides I've been documenting...

Obviously they're not gonna make it into the final book itself, for that I'll use an SLR instead of my frankly inadequate point-and-click. But yeah, should give you an idea of the direction I'm heading in. I want it to be a quirky little coffee table book, and for the actual book design itself, I intend to make a box, to hold 100 loose leaves, on one side I'll have the photo of the Lego man topping himself and on the other I'll have a corresponding suicide note, like "If I can't have the kids, I'd rather jump into a toaster..." and whatnot. Should be fun. 

Well, that's about it from me. Except this:

Now available on t-shirts, mugs, stationary and canvas prints.


Anonymous said...

love it. Have a look at 'Lego train bombing' on youtube

lindseymarshallbagd said...

I love reading your writing! It makes me chuckle!
This definately sounds like a great idea! 'Bunny suicides' IS a great book I'll have you know! LOL! It's completely pointless, but so amusing!
I don't know why, but reading through your ideas reminds me of Toy Story. You could do something related to that maybe? Like that nasty kids deformed toys. I dunno. I'll stop babbling now!
Can't wait to see the final piece!!!!