Friday, 6 February 2009

Airship Design For The Promiscuous

Bloody Hell, my third blog update of the day. Clearly the stars have aligned to have allowed this to happen, you lucky, lucky people.
Anyway, after the crit I just had, thought it'd be incredibly wise of me to post up here what my project is all about, to clarify the point and audience and all that malarkey.


My book, The Big Book Of Lego Suicides, is meant to be a sort of coffee table book for the 18-30 age group, I want to make a comedy book, something to laugh at while you're waiting for your mate to come back from the chippy. I want to make it loose-leaf so that the reader can choose to take their favourite picture or suicide note and pin them up, the thinking behind this was that as a student, I'd like to have these images up on my wall so that I'm not staring at a blank space. See, I'm considerate like that.

I've taken inspiration from the books 'The Bunny Suicides' and 'The Big Book Of Death' - which I've blended together in my Graphic Design cauldron to create what can only be described as a Frankenstein-esque hybrid. Or mutant.

The suicide notes I've come up with are meant to be tongue-in-cheek and humorous, and that's where the real content lies, I feel. I didn't want to create a picture book, because I haven't been able to wop out a bit of the ol' creative writing in a while and I see making a book as a great opportunity to do so, I'm making the kind of book that I'd like to own.

I know the content may seem a bit on the morbid mc.goth side, but that's just how I roll, yeah?

This bloody blogger thing is tramp's pants, keeps screwing up the paragraph layout on the composition screen. Pain in the ass.

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