Tuesday, 17 February 2009

One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell

Somebody down there likes me, my computer has been fixed :D
Upon switching it on for the first time in nearly a month, my Kaspersky internet security doo-dah started updating, and when it did I noticed it came up with a download bar that reminded me of the Unknown Pleasures artwork I'm looking at for the What Is A Line brief, so with my uncomprehensible quick-thinking [much like the reflexes of a cat on speed] I whacked out a few screen-grabs to put down as research. Check it:

Same sort of thing I want to do, only I want to use sound as the source material for the imagery. I was thinking of getting an album I like, taking sound wave bars from each song and doing it as a set of posters. Like a visual interperetation of the album. Feedback on that would be nice [hint hint.] But yeah, then I whacked the three of those images together in Photoshop and adjusted the gradient to make it look a bit more like Unknown Pleasures. See:

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