Sunday 2 November 2008

I've come about the shoes.

While I was searching through my files for the images in that last post I stumbled across some random fings i dun before. So, without further ado, here they are in all their glory: [For some reason, the colours are coming out all wrong. Still.]

This is a website mockup I did for my friends' vending machine business...

Before I got into my last college, I made up a few briefs for myself to add to my portfolio and bring to my interview, for one of them I decided to design the layout for a CSS album, this was my initial idea...

But in the end I scrapped this idea and decided to go with robotic arms...

For the front cover, I tried to be innovative and thought of using an etch-a-sketch with pre-installed designs, so that the user could make their own front cover. I was inspired by that Beck album, can't remember the name...

Oh yeah, I forgot the other part of the inlay. For some reason the last image on the right isn't there, but it was robotic arms playing drums.

Ta daaaa.

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